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Femina ; 51(9): 557-563, 20230930. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1532481


O hormônio antimulleriano é secretado pelas células da granulosa dos folículos que estão em desenvolvimento no ovário. Por meio da sua dosagem, é possível avaliar a reserva ovariana. A mulher tem seu número máximo de oócitos no perío- do fetal, mas, conforme o tempo passa, existe uma queda do número de células germinativas. Desse modo, para mulheres que têm o desejo de engravidar, a dosa- gem de hormônios e a avaliação da reserva ovariana podem ajudar no processo. O objetivo do estudo foi encontrar evidências na literatura que comprovem que o hormônio antimulleriano é o melhor marcador da reserva ovariana. Para isso, foi realizada uma revisão integrativa, classificada como qualitativa; a busca de da- dos foi realizada no PubMed, utilizando a seguinte palavra-chave: "hormônio anti- mulleriano (HAM)". Foram encontrados oito artigos que abordavam diretamente o tema, e há evidências que corroboram a hipótese de que o hormônio antimulleria- no é um bom marcador da reserva ovariana, sendo necessários mais estudos para determinar a sua superioridade.

The anti-mullerian hormone is secreted by the granulosa cells of follicles that are developing in the ovary. Though its dosage is possible to evaluate the ovarian re- serve. Women have their maximum number of oocytes in the fetal period, but there is a decrease in the number of germinative cells as time goes by. Thus, women that desire to get pregnant can have hormones dosed and the ovarian reserve evalua- ted to help them with this process. The objective of this study was to find evidence in the literature that proves that the anti-mullerian hormone is the best marker of ovarian reserve. For this purpose, an integrative review was conducted, using the key word: "anti-mullerian hormone (AMH)". Eight articles were found on the subject and there is evidence that proves the hypothesis of the anti-mullerian hormone as a good marker, however more studies are needed to determine its superiority.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Anti-Mullerian Hormone/chemistry , Ovarian Reserve/physiology , Oocytes , Cell Count/methods , Women's Health , Fertility
Braz. J. Vet. Res. Anim. Sci. (Online) ; 59: e190578, fev. 2022. ilus, tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1380248


This study evaluated (a) the efficacy of an association between injectable antibiotic therapy and sealant (ATBS) on milk yield (MY), somatic cell count (SCC), and prevalence of intramammary infections (IMI); and (b) the efficacy of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) on follicular cyst (FCs) resolution (cyclicity at the 45th day in milk; DIM) and cumulative pregnancy rate (CPR) in heifers submitted to a lactation induction protocol (LIP). A total of 114 crossbred (Holstein × Jersey) heifers, with 34.7 ± 4.8 months and 439 ± 56.35 kg were submitted to LIP. On the 5th day of the LIP, the heifers were assigned to (i) ATBS (n = 57) with 7 mg/kg of norfloxacin associated with sealant and (ii) Control 1 (n = 57; CONT1) with no treatments. Lactation began on the 21st day of LIP and the 15th DIM, FCs were diagnosed and 106 heifers were randomized into two treatment groups with 53 heifers each: (i) GnRH (5 mL injectable GnRH) and (ii) Control 2 (CONT2; no treatment). Of the 114 heifers initially induced, 83.33% (n = 95) responded to LIP with an average MY of 15.19 kg/milk/day during 22 weeks of lactation. In the first 14 DIM, the IMI prevalence was 18% and 28% for heifers ATBS and CONT1 treated, respectively. Additionally, coagulase-negative Staphylococcus was the most frequently isolated group of pathogens. Mammary quarters that received ATBS treatment had a lower risk of IMI and SCC than CONT1. The cyclicity at 45 DIM was 68% (ATBS) and 35% (CONT1), and 57% and 46% for animals in the GnRH and CONT2. CPR was 60% in the ATBS group and 89% in CONT1, but GnRH treatment did not affect the CPR. In conclusion, LIP was effective in stimulating MY in heifers, and the IMI prevalence decreased with ATBS treatment. Also, the use of GnRH did not affect the FC regression, cyclicity at 45 DIM, and CPR.(AU)

Este estudo avaliou a (i) eficácia da associação entre antibioticoterapia injetável e selante interno de tetos (ATBS) na produção de leite (PL), contagem de células somáticas (CCS), e prevalência de infecções intramamárias (IIM); e (ii) eficácia do hormônio liberador de gonadotrofina (GnRH) na resolução de cistos foliculares (CFs), ciclicidade ao 45º dia em lactação (DEL) e taxa de prenhez cumulativa (TPC) em novilhas submetidas a um protocolo de indução de lactação (PIL). Um total de 114 novilhas mestiças (Holandês × Jersey), com 34,7 ± 4,8 meses e 439 ± 56,35 kg foram submetidas ao PIL. No 5º dia do PIL, as novilhas receberam: (i) ATBS (n = 57) com 7 mg/kg de norfloxacina associada ao selante interno de tetos e (ii) Controle 1 (n = 57; CONT1) sem tratamento. A lactação teve início no 21º dia do PIL e no 15º DEL, foram diagnosticados CFs e 106 novilhas foram agrupadas em dois grupos de tratamento com 53 novilhas em cada: (i) GnRH (5 mL de GnRH injetável) e (ii) Controle 2 (CONT2; sem tratamento). Das 114 novilhas inicialmente induzidas, 83,33% (n = 95) responderam ao PIL com PL média de 15,19 kg/leite/d durante 22 semanas de lactação. Nos primeiros 14 DEL a prevalência de IIM foi de 18% e 28% para as novilhas tratadas com ATBS e CONT1, respectivamente. Além disso, estafilococos coagulase negativa foram o grupo de patógenos mais frequentemente isolados. Quartos mamários tratados com ATBS tiveram menor risco (0,56) de IIM e menor CCS do que CONT1. A ciclicidade a 45 DEL foi de 68% (ATBS) e 35% (CONT1), e 57% e 46% para os animais no GnRH e CONT2. A TPC foi de 60% no grupo ATBS e 89% no CONT1, porém o tratamento com GnRH não afetou a TPC. Em conclusão, o PIL foi eficaz em estimular a PL em novilhas tardias e a prevalência de IIM diminiuiu com o tratamento ATBS. Além disso, o uso de GnRH não afetou a regressão de CF, ciclicidade em 45 DEL e a TPC.(AU)

Animals , Male , Pregnancy , Lactation/physiology , Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone/pharmacology , Mastitis, Bovine/epidemiology , Anti-Infective Agents/therapeutic use , Follicular Cyst/diagnosis , Cattle/physiology , Norfloxacin/administration & dosage , Cell Count/veterinary , Milk/physiology
São Paulo; s.n; s.n; 2022. 129 p. tab, graf.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1392257


O objetivo deste estudo foi desenvolver uma formulação de bebida láctea bubalina probiótica adicionada de polpa de morango, comparando os efeitos do uso do leite de búfala e de vaca na elaboração dos produtos e verificando a possibilidade de suplementação com triptofano nos produtos lácteos probióticos. Como primeira etapa do trabalho, bebidas lácteas probióticas foram elaboradas a partir de leite bubalino e bovino, fermentadas com Streptococcus thermophilus TA040, Lactobacillus bulgaricus LB340 e Lactobacillus acidophilus La5, e formuladas com 0, 25 e 50% de soro em sua formulação. As bebidas foram avaliadas quanto à cinética de fermentação das culturas láticas utilizadas, ao teor de proteína, gordura e sólidos totais não gordurosos, pós-acidificação, viabilidade das culturas fermentadoras e sua capacidade de sobrevivência ao estresse gastrointestinal in vitro. As bebidas lácteas bubalinas apresentaram resultados superiores as bebidas bovinas. O uso do leite de búfala na elaboração das bebidas lácteas promoveu benefícios quanto as culturas láticas presentes nos produtos, exercendo efeito protetivo e influindo na preservação da viabilidade das bactérias ao longo do armazenamento refrigerado e durante a simulação do estresse gastrointestinal in vitro. As bebidas lácteas elaboradas com 25% apresentaram os resultados mais próximos aos obtidos pelos produtos controle, sem adição de soro, sendo selecionadas para a segunda parte do estudo. Nesta etapa, as formulações de bebida láctea com 25% de soro, foram acrescidas de um preparado com polpa de morango e bebidas sem adição da fruta, utilizadas como controle. As bebidas lácteas bubalinas frutadas, apresentaram menor teor de gordura e melhores características reológicas, com maior viscosidade e consistência do que os produtos controle, sem afetar a pós-acidificação, o perfil de ácido graxo, assim como, a viabilidade e a resistência às condições de estresse gastrointestinal in vitro das culturas fermentadoras. A avaliação da possibilidade de suplementar lácteos probióticos com triptofano foi realizada em conjunto com a Universidade de Milão. Para isso, iogurtes probióticos receberam adição de triptofano antes ou após a fermentação, sendo avaliados com relação ao perfil de pós-acidificação, quantidade de triptofano nos produtos, número de células viáveis por plaqueamento e citometria de fluxo ao longo do armazenamento a 25° e 4°C. Complementarmente, a influência da presença do triptofano no crescimento e produção de compostos antimicrobianos pelas culturas láticas, também foi avaliada. A adição de triptofano após a fermentação dos iogurtes, que foram armazenados sob refrigeração (4°C), além de não afetar a pós-acidificação dos produtos, apresentou benefícios quanto a viabilidade L. acidophilus, redução do dano e aumento do número de células vivas, promovendo teor maior do aminoácido nos iogurtes. A presença do triptofano nos meios de cultivo, também influenciou de forma positiva o crescimento de S. thermophilus e L. acidophilus, melhorando o desenvolvimento das bactérias durante a fermentação e influindo em uma maior atividade antilistérica por parte do S. thermophilus. Diante da influência positiva da aplicação do leite de búfala na elaboração das bebidas lácteas, assim como, a adição do triptofano em iogurtes probióticos, a suplementação do aminoácido em bebidas lácteas bubalinas frutadas permitiria a obtenção de um produto funcional, onde seus benefícios estariam relacionados tanto ao consumo do probiótico presente no produto quanto a complementação de triptofano na dieta do consumidor

The aim of this study was to develop a formulation of probiotic buffalo dairy beverage added with strawberry pulp, comparing the effects of using buffalo and cow's milk in the preparation of products and verifying the possibility of tryptophan supplementation in probiotic dairy products. As a first stage of the work, probiotic dairy beverages were made from buffalo and bovine milk, fermented with Streptococcus thermophiles TA040, Lactobacillus bulgaricus LB340 and Lactobacillus acidophilus La5, and formulated with 0, 25 and 50% whey in their formulation. The beverages were evaluated for the fermentation kinetics of the used lactic cultures, the levels of protein, fat and total no fat solids, post-acidification, fermenting cultures viability and their ability to survive gastrointestinal stress in vitro. Buffalo milk use in dairy beverages production promoted benefits regarding the lactic cultures present in the products, exerting a protective effect and influencing the viability preservation of bacteria during the cold storage and simulation of gastrointestinal stress in vitro. Dairy beverages made with 25% whey addition showed results similar to those obtained by the control products, without whey addition, being selected for the second part of the study. In this part, the dairy beverages formulations with 25% whey, were added with a preparation were added with a strawberry pulp preparation and dairy beverages without added fruit, used as a control. Fruity bubaline dairy beverages had lower fat content and better rheological characteristics, with higher viscosity and consistency than control products, without affecting post-acidification, fatty acid profile, as well as viability and resistance to in vitro gastrointestinal condition of fermented cultures. The possibility of supplementing probiotic dairy products with tryptophan was evaluated in partnership with the University of Milan. For this, probiotic yogurts received the addition of tryptophan before or after fermentation, being evaluated in relation to the post-acidification profile, tryptophan amount in the products, viable cell number per plating and flow cytometry during storage at 25°C and 4°C. In addition, the influence of the tryptophan presence on the growth and production of antimicrobial compounds by lactic cultures was also evaluated. The addition of tryptophan after the yogurt fermentation, which were stored under refrigeration (4°C), in addition to not affecting the post-acidification of the products, showed benefits to the viability of L. acidophilus, reduced the damage and increased the number of cells promoting higher amino acid content in yogurts. Tryptophan presence in the culture media also positively influenced the growth of S. thermophiles and L. acidophilus, improving the development of bacteria during fermentation and influencing better antilisteric activity in the part of S. thermophiles. In view of the buffalo milk positive influence observed after the application in dairy beverage preparation, as well as the addition of tryptophan in probiotic yoghurts, amino acid supplementation in fruity buffalo dairy beverages would allow to obtain a functional product, where its benefits would be related both to the consumption of the probiotic present in the product as to the supplementation of tryptophan in the consumer's diet

Beverages/adverse effects , Milk/adverse effects , Tryptophan/classification , Yogurt , In Vitro Techniques/methods , Buffaloes , Cell Count/instrumentation , Chemistry, Pharmaceutical , Probiotics/classification , Streptococcus thermophilus/metabolism , Lactobacillus delbrueckii/metabolism , Growth and Development , Flow Cytometry/methods , Whey/adverse effects , Fruit , Amino Acids/antagonists & inhibitors , Lactobacillus acidophilus/metabolism
Journal of Experimental Hematology ; (6): 146-151, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-928684


OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the expressions of CD33 and CD13 in newly diagnosed multiple myeloma (MM) patients and its relationship with prognosis.@*METHODS@#It was retrospectively observed that the expression of CD33 and CD13 in 121 MM patients who were newly diagnosed from January 2014 to January 2020, and the relationship between the expressions of CD33 and CD13 and patients prognosis was analyzed.@*RESULTS@#Among the 121 newly diagnosed MM patients, there were 30 patients (24.8%) in the CD33+ group and 12 patients (9.9%) in the CD13+ group. Kaplan-Meier analysis showed that, compared with the CD33- group, the progression-free survival (PFS) time and overall survival (OS) time were significantly shortened in MM patients in CD33+ group (PFS 17.5 vs 23 months, P=0.000; OS 18.5 vs 25 months, P=0.000); and the PFS time and OS time of MM patients in the CD13+ group were also significantly shortened than those in CD13- group (PFS 21 vs 22 months, P=0.012; OS 25 vs 26 months, P=0.006). Cox regression analysis showed that CD33 and CD13 were independent adverse prognostic factors in MM patients (CD33: P=0.000;CD13: P=0.003).@*CONCLUSION@#CD33 and CD13 are prognostic risk factors in patients with MM.

Humans , CD13 Antigens , Cell Count , Kaplan-Meier Estimate , Multiple Myeloma , Prognosis , Retrospective Studies , Sialic Acid Binding Ig-like Lectin 3
Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 1506-1517, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-927796


In order to explore the effect of peptidoglycan hydrolase on the viable cell counts of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens and the yield of alkaline protease, five peptidoglycan hydrolase genes (lytC, lytD, lytE, lytF and lytG) of B. amyloliquefaciens TCCC111018 were knocked out individually. The viable cell counts of the bacteria and their alkaline protease activities before and after gene deletion were determined. The viable cell counts of the knockout mutants BA ΔlytC and BA ΔlytE achieved 1.67×106 CFU/mL and 1.44×106 CFU/mL respectively after cultivation for 60 h, which were 32.5% and 14.3% higher than that of the control strain BA Δupp. Their alkaline protease activities reached 20 264 U/mL and 17 265 U/mL, respectively, which were 43.1% and 27.3% higher than that of the control strain. The results showed that deleting some of the peptidoglycan hydrolase genes effectively maintained the viable cell counts of bacteria and increased the activity of extracellular enzymes, which may provide a new idea for optimization of the microbial host for production of industrial enzymes.

Bacillus amyloliquefaciens/genetics , Bacterial Proteins , Cell Count , Endopeptidases/genetics , N-Acetylmuramoyl-L-alanine Amidase/genetics
Pesqui. bras. odontopediatria clín. integr ; 22: e210114, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1365227


ABSTRACT Objective To compare the cytotoxicity of commercial reparative endodontic cements on human periodontal ligament stem cells (hPDLSCs). Material and Methods The culture of hPDLSCs was established. Cell density was set at 2 × 104 cells/well in 96-well plates. Extracts of Biodentine, Bio-C Repair, Cimmo HD, MTA Repair HP and White MTA were prepared. Then, the extracts were diluted (pure, 1:4 and 1:16) and inserted into cell-seeded wells for 24, 48, and 72 h to assess cell viability through MTT assay. hPDLSCs incubated with culture medium alone served as a negative control group. Data were analyzed by Two-Way ANOVA and Tukey's test (α=0.05). Results At 24 h, pure extract of MTA Repair HP and Biodentine 1:16 presented higher cell viability compared to control. Lower cell viability was found for pure extract of Cimmo HD, MTA Repair HP 1:4 and 1:16, and White MTA 1:16. At 48 h, pure extract of Bio-C Repair and MTA Repair HP presented higher cell viability compared to control. At 72 h, only the pure extract of MTA Repair HP led to higher cell proliferation compared to control. Conclusion Biodentine, Bio-C Repair and MTA Repair HP were able to induce hPDLSCs proliferation. Cimmo HD and White MTA were found to be mostly cytotoxic in hPDLSCs.

Periodontal Ligament/anatomy & histology , Root Canal Filling Materials , Stem Cells/immunology , Cytotoxicity Tests, Immunologic/instrumentation , Dental Cements , Immunologic Tests/instrumentation , Brazil , Cell Count , Analysis of Variance , Endodontics , Primary Cell Culture
Braz. J. Pharm. Sci. (Online) ; 58: e19692, 2022. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1384014


Abstract The development of stable cell lines producing recombinant proteins is very time-consuming and laborious. One of the practical approaches successfully performed is Fluorescence-Activated Cell Sorting (FACS). A mutated chimeric tissue plasminogen activator (mt-PA) was developed by removing the first three domains of t-PA, insertion of GHRP sequence and mutation toward resistance to plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1). In the current study, a new stable CHO-DG44 cell line producing mt-PA was developed by two sequential clonal selections: FACS and clonal-selection by limiting dilution. Furthermore, the expression was more evaluated using two different expression media. Finally, the high-producing clones were selected based on the dot blot and amidolytic activity test. The transfection efficiency of CHO-DG44 cells was 38% as measured by flow cytometry on green fluorescent protein (GFP). After performing FACS on stable cell pools, the expression yield was increased to fifty-fold. In terms of growth profile, CD-DG44 showed higher viability and cell density results than ProCHO5 medium. The expression of mt-PA was significantly higher in CD-DG44 than in ProCHO5, 765 and 280 IU/mL, respectively. Our data indicated that selection of an appropriate expression medium played a critical role in the development of potent producing stable cells by FACS.

Tissue Plasminogen Activator , Process Optimization , Flow Cytometry/methods , Fluorescence , Cell Count/instrumentation , Clone Cells/classification , Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor 1/adverse effects , Green Fluorescent Proteins
Rev. med. vet. zoot ; 68(2): 95-104, mayo-ago. 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1352096


ABSTRACT Mastitis is one of the most important illnesses in specialized dairy herds worldwide due to the effects on production and animal health. The types caused by CNS has a special importance in a production where the main pathogens are controlled. The objective of the present work is to determine the prevalence of CNS in a dairy herd in Boyaca and also quantify the effects of every species of CNS in SCC. 40 cows were selected and sampled during 6 months, CMT was performed, and results from 1 to trace were sampled. The routine bacteriological test was also performed for CNS identification, and the isolating of CNS was performed through rpoB gene identification and through the type of strain using the pulse gel electrophoresis procedure. Out of 960 samples, 619 were positive for CNS growth. The most prevalent species were Staphylococcus epidermidis, S. chromogenes, S. sciuri, S. simulaans, S. haemolyticus and S. capitis. The results that were found here are similar to the results observed in different parts of the world, which confirms that they are pathogens that must be constantly evaluated because they can go unnoticed in routine controls, especially in those farms where major pathogens are not a serious problem. The results determined in this study demonstrate that CNS generates a slight increase in somatic cells.

RESUMEN La mastitis es una de las enfermedades más importantes en los rebaños lecheros especializados alrededor de todo el mundo debido a los efectos sobre la producción y la salud animal. Los tipos ocasionados por estafilococos coagualasa negativo (ECN) tienen una importancia especial en una producción en la que los principales patógenos están controlados. El objetivo del presente trabajo es determinar la prevalência del ECN en un hato lechero en Boyacá y cuantificar los efectos de cada especie de ECN en el conteo de células somáticas (CCS). Se seleccionaron 40 vacas y se tomaron muestras durante 6 meses, se realizó california mastitis test (CMT) y se tomaron muestras de los resultados desde 1 hasta donde hubo trazas. También se realizó la prueba bacteriológica de rutina para la identificación del ECN y el aislamiento del ECN se realizó mediante la identificación del gen rpoB y del tipo de cepa, usando el procedimiento de electroforesis en gel de pulso. De 960 muestras, 619 fueron positivas para el crecimiento del ECN. Las especies más prevalentes fueron Staphylococcus epidermidis, S. chromogenes, S. sciuri, S. simulans, S. haemolyticus y S. capitis. Los resultados encontrados aquí son similares a resultados en diferentes partes del mundo, lo que confirma que son patógenos que deben ser evaluados constantemente porque pueden pasar desapercibidos en los controles de rutina, especialmente en aquellas fincas donde los patógenos mayores no son un problema grave. Los resultados determinados en este estudio demuestran que el SNC genera un ligero aumento de células somáticas.

Animals , Cattle , Staphylococcus , Cattle , Cells , Longitudinal Studies , Electrophoresis , Mammary Glands, Animal , Mastitis , Veterinary Medicine , Catalase , Cell Count , Prevalence , Gram-Positive Rods , Hemolysis
Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 84(3): 220-224, May-June 2021. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1248974


ABSTRACT Purpose: To evaluate the corneal and anterior chamber morphology in phakic eyes with noninfectious intraocular inflammation. Methods: This study included 59 eyes with active uveitis, 62 with inactive uveitis, and 95 healthy eyes. Corneal endothelial cell density, hexagonal cell ratio, coefficient of variation (CV), corneal thickness and volume, maximum keratometry, and anterior chamber volume and depth (ACD) measurements were performed using a specular microscope and Pentacam HR. Results: The mean duration of uveitis was 24.6 ± 40.5 (0-180) months. The mean number of uveitis attacks was 2.8 ± 3.0 (1-20). Coefficient of variation was significantly higher in the active uveitis group compared with inactive uveitis group (p=0.017, Post Hoc Tukey). Anterior segment parameters other than coefficient of variation were not significantly different between active/inactive uveitis and control groups (p>0.05). Multiple linear regression analysis showed that coefficient of variation was greater in active uveitis compared with inactive uveitis after adjusting for the duration of uveitis, type of uveitis, having a rheumatologic disease, and having immunosuppressive treatment (p=0.003). The duration of uveitis and number of attacks were not significantly correlated with ocular parameters (p>0.05, Spearman's correlation). The difference in parameters was not significant based on uveitis type (p>0.05). Conclusions: Coefficient of variation was higher in eyes with active uveitis than that in eyes with inactive uveitis, whereas corneal endothelial cell density and anterior chamber morphology did not significantly differ between active/inactive uveitis and control groups.(AU)

RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar a morfologia da córnea e da câmara anterior em olhos fácicos com inflamação intraocular não infecciosa. Métodos: Esse estudo incluiu 59 olhos com uveíte ativa, 62 olhos com uveíte inativa e 95 olhos saudáveis. A densidade de células endoteliais da córnea, a proporção de células hexagonais, o coeficiente de variação, o volume e a espessura da córnea, a ceratometria máxima e o volume e profundidade da câmara anterior foram medidos com um microscópio especular e uma Pentacam HR. Resultados: A duração média da uveíte foi de 24,6 ± 40,5 (0-180) meses. O número médio de crises de uveíte foi de 2,8 ± 3,0 (1-20). O coeficiente de variação foi significativamente maior no grupo com uveíte ativa do que no grupo com uveíte inativa (p=0,017, Tukey post-hoc). Não houve diferença significativa nos demais parâmetros do segmento anterior entre os grupos com uveíte ativa, com uveíte inativa e controle (p>0,05). A análise de regressão linear múltipla demonstrou que o coeficiente de variação foi maior na uveíte ativa do que na uveíte inativa, após ajustes para a duração e tipo de uveíte e a presença ou não de doença reumática e de tratamento imunossupressor (p=0,003). A duração da uveíte e o número de crises não demonstraram correlação significativa com os parâmetros oculares (p>0,05, correlação de Spearman). A diferença nos parâmetros não demonstrou correlação significativa com o tipo de uveíte (p>0,05). Conclusões: O coeficiente de variação foi maior nos olhos com uveíte ativa do que naqueles com uveíte inativa, ao passo que a densidade de células endoteliais e a morfologia da câmara anterior não mostraram diferenças significativas entre os grupos com uveíte ativa, com uveíte inativa e controle.(AU)

Humans , Uveitis/physiopathology , Endothelium, Corneal/anatomy & histology , Cell Count/instrumentation , Cornea/anatomy & histology , Anterior Chamber/anatomy & histology
Rev. bras. oftalmol ; 80(2): 107-110, Mar.-Apr. 2021. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1280108


RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar a contagem endotelial da córnea em pacientes com ceratocone (KCN) por microscopia especular e correlacionar com o estágio do ceratocone. Métodos: Noventa e três olhos de 61 pacientes com KCN foram incluídos neste estudo transversal. Os olhos foram classificados nos estágios 1 a 4 de KCN de acordo com a classificação de Amsler-Krumeich utilizando ceratometria obtida pela topografia de córnea e leituras de paquimetria obtidas pela microscopia especular. Resultados: A idade variou de 12 a 43 anos, média ± (desvio padrão) 22,1 ± 6,7 anos. A ceratometria média variou de 42,25 a 71,4 D (53,0 ± 6,1 D). A paquimetria variou de 350 a 606 µm, (461,7 ± 47,1 µm). Em relação a classificação, 23 pacientes (24,7%) apresentavam estágio 1, 24 (25,8%) estágio 2, 5 (6,5%) estágio 3 e 41 pacientes (44,1%) estágio 4. Não foi observada correlação linear entre ceratometria média e contagem de células endoteliais (Coeficiente de correlação de Pearson = -0,05). Nos estágios iniciais a moderados de KCN, a média da contagem de células endoteliais foi 2738,3 ± 285,4 cel/mm2, enquanto no grupo de KCN avançado (estágios 3 e 4) foi 2670,6 ± 262,7 cel/mm2, p= 0,24. Conclusões: Não há correlação entre a contagem de células endoteliais e o estágio do KCN.

ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the corneal endothelial count in patients with keratoconus (KCN) by specular microscopy and correlate with the stage of keratoconus. Methods: Ninety-three eyes from 61 patients with KCN were included in this cross-sectional study. The eyes were classified into KCN stages 1 to 4 according to the Amsler-Krumeich classification using keratometry obtained by corneal topography and pachymetry readings obtained by specular microscopy. Results: Age ranged from 12 to 43 years, mean ± (standard deviation) 22.1 ± 6.7 years. The average keratometry ranged from 42.25 to 71.4 D, (53.0 ± 6.1 D). Pachymetry ranged from 350 to 606 µm, (461.7 ± 47.1 µm). Regarding the Amsler classification, 23 patients (24.7%) had stage 1, 24 (25.8%) stage 2, 5 (6.5%) stage 3 and 41 patients (44.1%) stage 4. No linear correlation was observed between mean keratometry and endothelial cell count (Pearson's correlation coefficient = -0.05). In the early to moderate stages of KCN, the mean endothelial cell count was 2738.3 ± 285.4 cell / mm2, while in the advanced KCN group (stages 3 and 4) it was 2670.6 ± 262.7 cell / mm2 , p = 0.24. Conclusions: No correlation was found between the endothelial cell count and the KCN stage.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Endothelial Cells , Keratoconus/diagnosis , Microscopy , Endothelium, Corneal , Cell Count , Cross-Sectional Studies , Corneal Topography , Corneal Pachymetry
Rev. cuba. oftalmol ; 34(1): e964, 2021. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1289523


Objetivo: Comparar las características de la córnea entre individuos chinos y cubanos adultos sanos. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo, transversal, en 120 ojos de individuos sanos (60 chinos y 60 cubanos), entre 18 y 29 años de edad, entre septiembre del año 2016 y diciembre de 2017 en el Instituto Cubano de Oftalmología "Ramón Pando Ferrer". Se evaluó la edad, el sexo, la queratometría, la paquimetría y las características del endotelio corneal. Resultados: Predominó el sexo femenino (53,3 por ciento en los cubanos y 66,6 por ciento en los chinos). La edad promedio fue de 24,4 años en ambos grupos. La queratometría promedio resultó mayor en el grupo de estudio de cubanos, con un valor de 44,7 y 44,6 dioptrías en ambos ojos, respectivamente. El espesor corneal fue de 607,3-629,9 en los cubanos y de 575,4-607,2 en los chinos. El coeficiente de variación, la desviación estándar y la densidad celular se diferenciaron mínimamente en ambos ojos para ambas nacionalidades, y resultaron superiores en los ojos izquierdos con un coeficiente de 32,0 (±11,0) en los chinos. La desviación estándar promedio fue de 112,0 (± 36,5) en ambos grupos y en el ojo derecho la densidad celular fue 2 857,1 (± 240,0 cél/mm2) en los chinos y 2 760,0 (± 367,2) en los cubanos. El average de los cubanos estuvo entre 369,0 y 380, y para los chinos entre 352,4 y 358,4 en los ojos derecho e izquierdo. Conclusiones: Existen diferencias significativas en los valores queratométricos. El espesor corneal resulta discretamente más reducido en los chinos. El coeficiente de variación, la densidad celular, el average y la desviación estándar no presentan diferencias estadísticamente significativas(AU)

Objective: Compare the corneal features of Chinese and Cuban healthy adult subjects. Methods: A cross-sectional observational descriptive study was conducted of 120 eyes of healthy 18-29 year old individuals (60 Chinese and 60 Cuban) from September 2016 to December 2017 at Ramón Pando Ferrer Cuban Institute of Ophthalmology. The variables analyzed were sex, keratometry, pachymetry and characteristics of the corneal endothelium. Results: Female sex prevailed (53.3 percent among Cuban and 66.6 percent among Chinese subjects). Mean age was 24.4 years in both groups. Mean keratometry was higher in the Cuban group, with values of 44.7 and 44.6 diopters for both eyes, respectively. Corneal thickness was 607.3-629.9 among Cuban and 575.4-607.2 among Chinese subjects. Variation coefficient, standard deviation and cell density were minimally different between the two eyes in both groups, and were higher in left eyes of Chinese subjects with a coefficient of 32.0 (±11.0). Mean standard deviation was 112.0 (± 36.5) in both groups, whereas right eye cell density was 2 857.1 (± 240.0 cell/mm2) among Chinese and 2 760.0 (± 367.2) among Cuban subjects. Average between right and left eyes ranged from 369.0 to 380 for the Cubans and from 352.4 to 358.4 for the Chinese. Conclusions: Significant differences were found between keratometric values. Corneal thickness was slightly lower among Chinese subjects. Variation coefficient, cell density, average and standard deviation did not show any statistically significant differences(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Endothelium, Corneal/diagnostic imaging , Cell Count/methods , Corneal Pachymetry/methods , China , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies , Cuba , Observational Studies as Topic
National Journal of Andrology ; (12): 934-940, 2021.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-922178


Circulating tumor cells (CTC) are tumor cells that escape from the primary or metastatic tumor into the circulatory system, and closely related to cancer metastasis. Since the samples can be obtained through simple and minimally invasive blood sampling operations, CTCs have a great clinical potential. PCa is one of the most common malignant tumors in men. In recent years, many scholars have conducted studies as to whether CTC technology can be used for the diagnosis and treatment of PCa, as well as for more accurate prediction of the risk of progression. This article summarizes the advances in researches relating CTC technology and the diagnosis and treatment of PCa. CTC detection has been developed from simple counting to phenotypic classification, and even to its combination with the determination of the expressions of specific genes (such as AR, AR-V7, etc.) and single-cell sequencing. Some reports showed that CTC technology has a certain significance in the early diagnosis of PCa, but its main value is demonstrated in drug sensitivity and prognosis evaluation in the late stage of the malignancy. The standardized detection methods and reference values of CTCs in PCa will be important research orientations in the near future.

Humans , Male , Cell Count , Neoplasms, Second Primary , Neoplastic Cells, Circulating , Prognosis , Prostatic Neoplasms/therapy
Braz. J. Pharm. Sci. (Online) ; 57: e18882, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1339308


Antioxidants are commonly used for maturation, fertilization and early development of embryos. Melatonin as an antioxidant have been recently proven to be useful for the assisted reproductive technology. In the present study, we evaluated the roles of melatonin in the in vitro maturation, fertilization, development and also the gene expression of high mobility group box-1 (HMGB1) in the blastocysts. The immature oocytes of BDF1 mice were transferred to the media containing different doses of melatonin (10-6, 10-9, 10-12 M). The blastocysts that developed under in vitro fertilization from each group were stained to determine the cell number of embryos and analyzed to determine the expression level of HMGB1 by real-time PCR. The most effective doses of melatonin for maturation of oocytes were 10-6 and 10-12M (P<0.05). Fertilization rate, early development and the cell number of blastocysts were significantly higher in the group that treated with 10-12 M of melatonin comparing to the other groups. The HMGB1 expression decreased in groups that treated with 10-6M and 10-9M of melatonin and increased in the group that treated with 10-12 M of melatonin, but did not show a significant difference (p˃0.05). From the results, it may be concluded that the melatonin could be effective when the embryos undergo maturation, fertilization and early developmental processes. The HMGB1 expression, as a marker of early development in mice embryos, increased in the groups that treated with low doses of melatonin

Animals , Female , Mice , Blastocyst , Fertilization in Vitro , Embryonic Development , In Vitro Oocyte Maturation Techniques/instrumentation , Melatonin/adverse effects , Gene Expression , Cell Count/instrumentation , Reproductive Techniques, Assisted , Embryonic Structures , Antioxidants/administration & dosage
J. appl. oral sci ; 29: e20200770, 2021. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1180798


Abstract Objective Neutrophils are key effector cells of the innate immune system. They recognize antigens through membrane receptors, which are expressed during their maturation and activation. Neutrophils express FcγRII (CD32), FcγRIII (CD16), and FcγRI (CD64) after being activated by different factors such as cytokines and bacterial products. These receptors are involved with phagocytosis of IgG-opsonized microbes and enhance defense mechanisms. Based on that, our study seeks to compare the expression of FcγRII, FcγRIII, FcγRI, and CD11b on neutrophils from elderly and young subjects and their expression after in vitro activation with cytokines and LPS. Methodology Neutrophils were isolated from human peripheral blood and from mice bone marrow by density gradient. After isolation, FCγRs expression was immediately analyzed by flow cytometry or after in vitro stimulation. Results In freshly isolated cells, the percentage of FcγRIIIb+ and CD11b+ neutrophils were higher in samples from young individuals; FcγRIIIa expression was more prominent on aged neutrophils; FcγRIA expression was similar in all samples analyzed. Exposure to CXCL8 and LPS resulted in a higher percentage of FcγRIa+ neutrophils on elderly individuals' samples but lower when compared with neutrophils from young donors. We observed that LPS caused an increase in FcγRIIa expression on aging human neutrophils. In contrast, FcγRIIIb expression in response to CXCL8 and LPS stimulation was not altered in the four groups. CD11b expression was lower in neutrophils from elderly individuals even in response to LPS and CXCL8. In mice, we observed differences only regarding CD11b expression, which was increased on aged neutrophils. LPS exposure caused an increase in all FcγRs. Conclusions Our results suggest that, in humans, the overall pattern of FcγR expression and integrin CD11b are altered during aging and immunosenescence might contribute to age-related infection.

Animals , Mice , Receptors, IgG , Neutrophils , Phagocytosis , Cell Count , Flow Cytometry
São Paulo; s.n; s.n; 2021. 98 p. graf, tab.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1396067


A enzima L-asparaginase é comumente utilizada como biofármaco para o tratamento da Leucemia Linfoblástica Aguda e possui altas taxas de cura com o medicamento disponível no mercado. Atualmente a aquisição deste biofármaco é fruto integral de importação, não sendo realizada produção nacional, muito embora existam grupos de pesquisas nacionais que trabalham em pesquisas e no desenvolvimento de biofármacos alternativos da L-asparaginase. Assim, a presente dissertação tem como objetivo realizar análises técnico-econômicas para avaliar a viabilidade de implementação industrial de bioprocessos para a produção da L-asparaginase do tipo Erwinase PEGuilada e não PEGuilada, que foram previamente desenvolvidos na FCF-USP. As análises técnico-econômicas foram conduzidas por meio do software SuperPro Design® (Intelligen, Inc.) e permitiram adaptar o processo laboratorial para um processo piloto e possibilitaram estimar os valores de custo de produção unitário (Unity Cost of Production - UPC) de US$ 12,37/mg e US$ 3,46/mg para a L-asparaginase monoPEGuilada e nativa obtida por processo similar, respectivamente. O custo unitário de produção para a enzima peguilada foi, portanto, estimado em cerca de 4 vezes o mesmo custo para a produção da enzima peguilada, sendo tal aumento de custo devido às operações de peguilação, já que ambas as plantas foram mantidas nas mesmas dimensões. Ainda, foram obtidos indicadores econômicos, que indicam a atratividade do processo desenvolvido, muito embora tenham sido identificados diversos gargalos de processo e fatores a serem otimizados e melhorados de forma a tornar o processo mais atrativo sob os pontos de vista técnico e econômico. Em uma análise de sensibilidade preliminar um aumento factível da densidade celular já mostra que é possível reduzir em mais de 30% o UPC. De toda forma, ainda que não otimizado, o processo apresentou valores e dados compatíveis com os biofármacos de L-asparaginase já disponíveis no mercado

The enzyme L-asparaginase is commonly used as a biopharmaceutical in the treatment of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, presenting high cure rates with the formulations available on the market. Nowadays, the acquisition of this biopharmaceutical is only from importation, given that there is no national production being carried out, although there are national research groups working on research and development of alternative L-asparaginase biopharmaceuticals. Thus, this project aims at carrying out technical-economic analyzes to evaluate the viability of industrial implementation of bioprocesses for the production of L-asparaginase of the PEGylated and non-PEGylated Erwinase type previously developed at FCF-USP. The technical-economic analyzes, conducted by means of the software SuperPro Design® (Intelligen, Inc.), allowed to adapt the laboratory process to a pilot process and made it possible to estimate the unit cost of production (UPC) values of US $ 12.37 / mg and US $ 3.56 / mg for monoPEGylated L-asparaginase and bare obtained by similar process, respectively. The unit cost of production for the pegylated enzyme was, therefore, estimated at about 4 times the same cost for the production of the pegylated enzyme, such an increase in cost due to pegylation operations, since both plants were maintained in the same dimensions. Moreover, economic indicators were obtained, which indicate the attractiveness of the developed process. However, several process bottlenecks and factors to be optimized and improved were identified to make the process more attractive from the technical and economic point of view. In a preliminary sensitivity analysis, a feasible increase in cell density already shows that it is possible to reduce UPC by more than 30%. Accordingly, although not optimized, the process presented values and data compatible with the L-asparaginase biopharmaceuticals already available on the market

Asparaginase/analysis , Biological Products/analysis , Pharmaceutical Preparations/analysis , Cell Count/instrumentation , Costs and Cost Analysis/classification , Growth and Development , Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma/pathology
Rev. cuba. invest. bioméd ; 39(3): e634, jul.-set. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1138935


Introducción: El carcinoma papilar de tiroides es la causa más frecuente de cáncer de naturaleza endocrina. Constituye la variante histológica de mejor pronóstico, sin embargo, en ocasiones es motivo de importantes dudas diagnósticas con otras variantes de evolución tórpida, lo que dificulta que un mayor número de pacientes se beneficie con un tratamiento individualizado y conservador. Por esta razón, se desarrollan estudios en los que cada vez más se añaden procedimientos morfométricos y densitométricos, los que permiten disminuir la subjetividad en el diagnóstico histopatológico. Objetivo: Determinar la densidad óptica nuclear en el carcinoma papilar de tiroides. Método: Se realizó un estudio morfométrico de serie de casos con 12 pacientes con carcinoma papilar de tiroides, atendidos en el Hospital Provincial Universitario Vladimir Ilich Lenin. Se seleccionaron 36 campos y se midieron 965 núcleos celulares, lo que constituyó la muestra del estudio. Se determinó la densidad óptica nuclear como indicador morfométrico del carcinoma papilar de tiroides. Resultados: El valor de la densidad óptica nuclear fue 1,14, considerado bajo. Conclusiones: Se determinó la densidad óptica nuclear del carcinoma papilar de tiroides en los casos estudiados, lo que puede contribuir a su diagnóstico histopatológico(AU)

Background: Papillary thyroid carcinoma is the most frequent cause of endocrine cancer. It is an histological variant with the best prognosis, however, sometimes it is a reason for significant diagnostic doubts with other variants of torpid evolution, which makes it difficult for a greater number of patients to benefit from an individualized and conservative treatment. For this reason, studies are developed in which more and more morphometric and densitometric procedures are added, which allow reducing the subjectivity in the histopathological diagnosis and could represent a tool of great value. Objective: To determine the nuclear optical density in papillary thyroid carcinoma. Method: A morphometric study of a series of cases was carried out with 12 patients with this histopathological diagnosis, attended at the Vladimir Ilich Lenin University Provincial Hospital. We chose 36 fields and 965 cell nuclei were measured, which constituted the study sample. Nuclear optical density was determined as a morphometric indicator of papillary thyroid carcinoma. Results: The value of nuclear optical density was 1, 14. It is considered low. Conclusion: Nuclear optical density of papillary thyroid carcinoma was determined in the studied cases that may contribute to histopathological diagnosis(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Thyroid Neoplasms/ultrastructure , Thyroid Cancer, Papillary/diagnosis , Prognosis , Cell Count/methods , Thyroid Cancer, Papillary/secondary
Rev. cuba. oftalmol ; 33(2): e739, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1139068


RESUMEN Objetivo: Relacionar la severidad del edema corneal poscirugía de catarata en pacientes con córnea guttata, considerados sin riesgo o bajo riesgo de edema posquirúrgico según densidad celular, con los parámetros de la microscopia endotelial. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, prospectivo de 42 pacientes con córnea guttata, considerados sin riesgo o bajo riesgo de edema posquirúrgico según la densidad celular, quienes fueron sometidos a la cirugía de catarata por el mismo cirujano en el Instituto Cubano de Oftalmología "Ramón Pando Ferrer", desde abril del año 2016 a diciembre de 2017. Se determinó la severidad del edema corneal y se relacionó con el grado de córnea guttata, así como con los parámetros de la microscopia endotelial. Resultados: El 52,4 por ciento fueron mayores de 70 años y el 64,3 por ciento mujeres. No hubo edema en el 54,8 por ciento en las primeras 24 horas, y fue en el 26,2 por ciento leve y en el 19,0 por ciento mínimo, donde predominó la córnea guttata grado 3 y presentaban un bajo riesgo prequirúrgico. Sin embargo, no hubo diferencias en relación con el polimegatismo y el pleomorfismo. Conclusiones: La severidad del edema corneal en pacientes con córnea guttata posfacoemulsificación a los siete días no se asocia con el polimegatismo, ni con el polimorfismo prequirúrgico, pero sí con el conteo endotelial prequirúrgico(AU)

ABSTRACT Objective: Determine the relationship between the severity of corneal edema in cornea guttata patients undergoing cataract surgery considered to be at no risk or low risk for postsurgical edema in terms of cell density, and endothelial microscopy parameters. Methods: A descriptive prospective study was conducted of 42 cornea guttata patients considered to be at no risk or low risk for postsurgical edema in terms of cell density, who underwent cataract surgery performed by the same surgeon at Ramón Pando Ferrer Cuban Institute of Ophthalmology from April 2016 to December 2017. Corneal edema severity was determined and related to cornea guttata grade and endothelial microscopy parameters. Results: Of the patients studied, 52.4 percent were aged over 70 years and 64.3 percent were women. Edema was not observed in 54.8 percent in the first 24 hours, whereas it was mild in 26.2 percent and minimum in 19.0 percent. Grade 3 cornea guttata and low presurgical risk prevailed. However, no differences were found in relation to polymegethism and pleomorphism. Conclusions: At seven days, corneal edema severity in cornea guttata patients undergoing phacoemulsification is not associated to polymegethism or presurgical polymorphism, but it as associated to the presurgical endothelial count(AU)

Humans , Female , Aged , Cataract/etiology , Corneal Edema , Cell Count/methods , Phacoemulsification/methods , Observational Studies as Topic , /adverse effects , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Prospective Studies , Microscopy/methods
J. bras. nefrol ; 42(1): 59-66, Jan.-Mar. 2020. tab, graf
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1098349


ABSTRACT Introduction: Mast cells may be involved in inflammation and contribute to the onset of fibrosis in lupus nephritis (LN). Objective: This study aimed to correlate the presence of mast cells in kidney biopsy specimens of pediatric patients with LN with activity (AI) and chronicity (CI) indices and assess how effectively mast cells may be used as a prognostic factor. Method: The study included 40 patients aged 6-18 years diagnosed with LN at the Renal Disease Service of the Federal University of Triângulo Mineiro between 1996 and 2015. Workup and epidemiological data were evaluated vis-à-vis AI, CI, and mast cell counts (MCC). Results: Significant positive correlations were found between mast cell counts (MCC) and AI (p = 0.003; r: 0.66) and MCC and CI (p = 0.048; r: 0.48). The ROC curve showed that mast cells were highly sensitive and specific in the differentiation of patients with an AI > 12 from individuals with an AI ≤ 12. Serum creatinine levels were higher in individuals with class IV LN than in patients with class V disease [1.50 (0.40-20.90) vs. 0.70 (0.62-0.90), p = 0.04]. Blood urea nitrogen had a positive significant correlation with MCC (p = 0.002; r: 0.75). A trend toward a negative correlation was observed between MCC and serum albumin (p = 0.06; r: -0.5459). Kidney biopsies of patients with nephrotic syndrome had higher MCC [2.12 (0.41-5.140) vs. 0.53 (0.0-3.94), p = 0.07]. Conclusion: Inflammatory cell infiltration and morphological differences between cell types in the inflammatory infiltrate are relevant factors in the assessment of the LN. Mast cell analysis and AI/CI assessment may be relevant prognostic indicators for pediatric patients with LN.

RESUMO Introdução: Mastócitos podem participar da inflamação e contribuir para fibrose na nefrite lúpica (NL). Objetivo: Correlacionar mastócitos em biópsias renais (BR) de pacientes pediátricos com NL com índices de atividade (IA) e cronicidade (IC), avaliando sua efetividade como fator prognóstico. Metodologia: Foram estudados 40 pacientes, entre 6 e 18 anos, diagnosticados com NL pelo Serviço de Nefropatologia da UFTM entre 1996 e 2015. Dados laboratoriais e epidemiológicos foram correlacionados com IA, IC e contagem de mastócitos (CM). Resultados: Encontramos correlação positiva e significativa entre contagem de mastócitos (CM) e IA (p = 0,003; r: 0,66) e entre CM e IC (p = 0,048; r: 0,48). Conforme a curva Roc, os mastócitos têm alta sensibilidade e especificidade na diferenciação de pacientes com IA menor ou maior do que 12. A creatinina sérica foi mais elevada na classe IV em relação à classe V [1,50 (0,40 - 20,90) versus 0,70 (0,62 - 0,90), p = 0,04]. Ureia sérica apresentou correlação positiva e significativa com CM (p = 0,002; r: 0,75). Observou-se tendência à correlação negativa entre CM e albumina sérica (p = 0,06; r: -0,5459). BR de pacientes com síndrome nefrótica apresentaram maior CM [2,12 (0,41 - 5,140) versus 0,53 (0,0 - 3,94), p = 0,07]. Conclusão: Não apenas o infiltrado inflamatório como também a diferenciação morfológica dos tipos celulares que o constituem são importantes para a avaliação da NL. Isso indica que a análise dos mastócitos, juntamente com a dos IA e IC, pode ajudar os nefrologistas a definirem o prognóstico de pacientes pediátricos.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Severity of Illness Index , Lupus Nephritis/diagnosis , Kidney/pathology , Mast Cells/pathology , Prognosis , Biopsy , Blood Urea Nitrogen , Lupus Nephritis/complications , Lupus Nephritis/blood , Serum Albumin/analysis , Cell Count , Creatinine/blood , Nephrotic Syndrome/complications , Nephrotic Syndrome/pathology , Nephrotic Syndrome/blood
Rev. cuba. oftalmol ; 33(1): e831, ene.-mar. 2020. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1126719


RESUMEN Objetivo: Determinar las características del endotelio corneal mediante microscopia endotelial. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y retrospectivo en córneas donantes del banco de ojos del Instituto Cubano de Oftalmología "Ramón Pando Ferrer" en el período de enero a junio del año 2019. La muestra estuvo conformada por 224 córneas donantes. Las variables del estudio fueron: edad, cirugías previas, gerontoxón, pterigion, defectos epiteliales, infiltrado corneal, opacidad corneal, edema, pigmentos endoteliales, guttas, desprendimiento de la Descemet, densidad celular, hexagonalidad y polimegatismo. Resultados: El gerontoxon fue el hallazgo más frecuente (56,69 por ciento); la densidad celular media fue de 2 501 cel/mm2; el coeficiente de variación medio fue 43,32 y la hexagonalidad media 50,02. La densidad celular endotelial entre 2 000 y 2 500 cel/mm2 fue más frecuente entre 60 y 79 años de edad (76,72 por ciento), mientras que entre 20 y 29 años todas las córneas donantes presentaron una densidad endotelial mayor de 2 500 cel/mm2. Conclusiones: En el examen biomicroscópico de la córnea donante fue más frecuente el gerontoxon. Por microscopia endotelial la mayoría de las córneas fueron aptas para trasplante corneal. Un endotelio corneal con densidad celular mayor de 2 500 cel/mm2 no es exclusivo de córneas con menos de 60 años de edad(AU)

ABSTRACT Objective: Determine the characteristics of the corneal endothelium by endothelial microscopy. Methods: A retrospective descriptive study was conducted of donor corneas from the eye bank of Ramón Pando Ferrer Cuban Institute of Ophthalmology from January to June 2019. The sample was 224 donor corneas. The variables analyzed were age, previous surgery, gerontoxon, pterygium, epithelial defects, corneal infiltrate, corneal opacity, edema, endothelial pigments, guttae, Descemet's membrane detachment, cell density, hexagonality and polymegethism. Results: Gerontoxon was the most common finding (56.69 percent), mean cell density was 2 501 cell/mm2, mean variation coefficient was 43.32 and mean hexagonality was 50.02. Endothelial cell density from 2 000 to 2 500 cell/mm2 was more common in the 60-79 years age group (76.72 percent), whereas in the 20-29 years age group all the donor corneas had an endothelial density above 2 500 cell/mm2. Conclusions: Gerontoxon was the most common finding in the biomicroscopic examination of the cornea. Endothelial microscopy found that most corneas were suitable for corneal transplantation. A corneal endothelium with a cell density above 2 500 cell/mm2 is not exclusive of corneas under 60 years of age(AU)

Humans , Corneal Transplantation/adverse effects , Eye Banks/ethics , Microscopy/methods , Cell Count/trends , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Retrospective Studies , Endothelial Cells/pathology , Donor Selection/methods
Rev. cuba. oftalmol ; 33(1): e692, ene.-mar. 2020. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1126725


RESUMEN Objetivo: Identificar las características morfológicas del epitelio, el estroma y el endotelio corneal, así como la densidad celular de este último mediante el empleo de la microscopia confocal de la córnea en pacientes diabéticos. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, comparativo, en 90 ojos; 60 de ellos pertenecientes a pacientes diabéticos (30 tipo 1 y 30 tipo 2) y 30 ojos a pacientes supuestamente sanos. El estudio se realizó en el Instituto Cubano de Oftalmología "Ramón Pando Ferrer" entre enero del año 2012 y enero de 2017. Resultados: Predominó el sexo masculino con 66,7 por ciento en los pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 1; el sexo femenino en los pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (60 por ciento) y aparentemente sanos (56,7 por ciento). En los pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 1 fueron más frecuentes las edades entre 45 y 54 años (33,3 por ciento) y entre 55 y 66 años en los pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 y aparentemente sanos con 60 y 40 por ciento respectivamente. La morfología del epitelio y el estroma corneal fue normal en el 86,7 y 87,3 por ciento respectivamente. Predominaron las alteraciones de la morfología endotelial en pacientes diabéticos tipo 1 (73,3 por ciento), así como el polimegatismo y el pleomorfismo (73,3 y 56,7 por ciento respectivamente) y la densidad celular más baja (2 222,76 células /mm2). Conclusiones: La ausencia de alteraciones morfológicas del epitelio y el estroma corneal y la presencia de polimegatismo y de pleomorfismo fueron los hallazgos más frecuentes(AU)

ABSTRACT Objective: Identify the morphological characteristics of the corneal epithelium, stroma and endothelium, as well as the cell density of the endothelium by means of confocal microscopy of the cornea in diabetic patients. Methods: A descriptive comparative study was conducted of 90 eyes: 60 from diabetic patients (30 type 1 and 30 type 2) and 30 from supposedly healthy patients, at Ramón Pando Ferrer Cuban Institute of Ophthalmology from January 2012 to January 2017. Results: A predominance was found of the male sex (66.7 percent) among patients with diabetes mellitus type 1 and of the female sex among patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 (60 percent) and seemingly healthy patients (56.7 percent). The most common age ranges were 45-54 years for patients with diabetes mellitus type 1 (33.3 percent) and 55-66 years for patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 (60 percent) and seemingly healthy patients (40 percent). Morphology of the corneal epithelium and stroma was normal in 86.7 percent and 87.3 percent, respectively. In type 1 diabetic patients there was a predominance of endothelial morphological alterations (73.3 percent), polymegethism and pleomorphism (73.3 percent and 56.7 percent, respectively) and the lowest cell density (2 222.76 cells /mm2). Conclusions: Absence of morphological alterations of the corneal epithelium and stroma, as well as the presence of polymegethism and pleomorphism were the most common findings(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Cell Count/methods , Cornea/abnormalities , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1/etiology , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2/etiology , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Microscopy, Confocal/methods